2024 Updates:

BasicNeeds US supported three key projects in FY 2023-4:

  1. With support from the ECOM Foundation, we supported BN Ghana with funds to organize and test the model on developing 7 disability-inclusive VSLA groups with cocoa farming families;

  2. We expanded our community development work in Bungoma, Kenya, also funded by ECOM, to include VSLAs and outreach clinics; and

  3. We provided support to CBM UK to collect impact data for the Network and develop a new web site (in process). In 2025, we will continue to support the growth of these projects.

Village Savings and Loans:

BasicNeeds Network members saw the success of VSLAs in our November 2022 visit to Kilifi County, Kenya. We found impressive results in the literature on the sustainability of VSLAs, but few if any examples of VSLAs for families with mental illnesses or disabilities.  Given our work with Self-Help Groups and micro-enterprise, we quickly saw the relevance of the VSLA to BasicNeeds’ international work.  BNUS is delighted to have just received approval from the ECOM Foundation of a project to develop VSLAs for families and people with mental illnesses and other disabilities in the cocoa farming communities in Ghana. After developing a concept paper, and making ECOM and CARE connections in Ghana, BNUS provided expense reimbursement to enable BN Ghana staff to visit the Ashanti Region to scope out the work and refine the proposal. Now that is is approved, we look forward to supporting this work over the coming year.

Empowering Women and Youth in Coffee Societies in Kenya:

Since 2011, in a four way partnership between the ECOM Foundation, BasicNeeds US, BasicNeeds Kenya and Sustainable Management Services, we have developed a unique community-based model for social and economic development. It is founded in the BasicNeeds Model for Mental health and Development and leverages on-going efforts of other local partners. Planned and tested in Tharaka Nithi County from 2011-2016, BasicNeeds Basic Rights Kenya scaled-up the work in Bungoma County in 2017 with rapid success. Working with coffee societies, SMS provides agricultural consultation and training and BasicNeeds provides social supports. We seek to empower women and youth by organizing cooperative self-help groups, developing new sources of family income through microgrants and table banking and helping others with outreach to vulnerable families and peer support for people with disabilities. The results have been rapid and clear to all. Families have had improved coffee yields, new sources of income, an improved quality of life, and hope for the future. In all our work, we seek to organize sustainable and cooperatively governed groups that plan, advocate, provide psychosocial support, empower local leaders and provide purpose driven and income generating resources for group members.